~*~ Michael Buble ~ Grown-up Christmas List ~*~

Hope sat by the reflecting pond watching over everyone she had tried to touch in the winter holy days. Silver tears flowed quietly down her face and her heart ached. "I tried so hard," she said to the Wind That Whispers. "This year has been harder than many others, or so it seems." As each tear gently landed in the crystal clear waters of the pond the reflected scene changed. "There has been so much loss, and so many reasons for loss," she sighed to no one in particular.


Scruffy came and sat beside Hope, his coat now full and thick and his frame filled out to a healthy weight allowing his beauty to be seen. No longer looking bedraggled as he had when David found him abandoned and alone. "My David loved me as I was," he said softly. "He saw me, not my outward appearance, and loved me for me. He showed me what love is." He looked wistfully into the pond at his young friend, "Our time seemed too short, but my task there was done."


Sassy, Poof, and Oreo walked up to join Hope and Scruffy. "I did try to stay until after the holy days," Oreo said sadly. "Momma has lost sooo many. Sassy and Poof and I can visit her to ease her heart, but those she had to allow to go to other homes cannot . . . . . ." Hope smiled at Oreo and caressed her soft ears, "Perhaps not Little One, but if she had not rescued Sunshine and her babies, Honeybear, Confetti, Jellybean, Moonbeam then they likely would already be here with no one to wait for instead of being in loving homes. Is that not a wonderful gift?" Oreo and her siblings looked at each other and sent their momma their love.


Seabreeze joined the gathering crowd at the pond, with Hero, Heather, Charlie, Molly, John, Stashie, Hershey, Samson, Morgan, Niko, Jordan, Timber, Dixie, Buddy, Tina, Snickers, Dizzy, Harley, Jack, Kimmi, Sammy, Fender, Tosca, Bruno, Bailey, Buster, and all the Gentle Ones who had been sent here young and healthy to help them escape the demons. "Hope, please explain to these pups that their people will heal and grow to understand that they did all they could, that they will learn that sometimes the greatest love is saying good-bye so the demons can be beaten? Okay, it may take time, but if they keep sending them love, their parents' hearts will heal." Seabreeze looked imploringly at Hope, needing reassurance as much as did the rest. Hope smiled at Seabreeze, understanding that he needed her words as much as any of the Gentle Ones. "Yes, dear Seabreeze, in time and with your love they will see that what they did was to set you free and allow you tranquility and control. In time they will remember and feel the love that connects you still and that has prepared the way for them to love another."


Johnny walked up with Snip, Alley, Goldie, Iolo, Andre, Baby, and Buttons, and all those who had left quickly due to an accident or hidden illness, some who were only just starting life. He looked longingly at Hope, then at the still waters that reflected far away. Hope reached over and ruffed his soft fur, "I left your mom the seed that will grow into the knowledge that you were doing what you loved best. That frog was a novelty to you. Even had she seen you catch the frog there would have been little she could have done. Your task was done and it was time for you to come home. All of you had completed your tasks ~ and even though the separation was painful, and for some came at so very young an age, it simply was time to return home. I have left each of your parents that seed." Johnny looked at her, "How can I help that seed to grow?" he asked and the rest looked at Hope also needing that answer. Hope smiled, "Send them your love." Amy the Boy, Lucy, and Gizmo joined the growing congregation, "Can we help Momma to understand? We had a task, to help others see how very perilous life is in the wild. We taught that lesson as best we knew how, and so many will benefit . . . . . " Hope smiled at Amy, "She is learning that lesson Little One, send her your love to ease her heart and that lesson will blossom."


Niki and Abbie joined Hope and the others and gazed at the waters of the pond, "Can we help Freaky? For our momma?" They asked softly. There were many there who were watching over a younger sibling, some they had never met in life, who they worried would soon join them, leaving their mommas and daddies behind yet again. Hope looked at them gently, "You know their tales will unfold as written before their birth. We cannot change this, but if it is to be they are to join us then your love can ease the pain of those left behind." Almost as one they began sending their love to their parents and to their siblings.


Kuhio gathered the Lost Ones, Snow, Shami, Felix, Henry, BooBoo, Maddy, Tommy, Tiny, Midnight, and all those whose passing was uncertain to the ones they left behind - those who were searched for yet were never found. Maddy and Tommy watched the hope their mommas' still clung to in that small wistful corner of their hearts, wishing they could help them find closure. The stories were all different - yet they were the same. Hope looked sadly at them, "I am sorry, they will know your tales when you meet here, - until then send your love to offer them comfort."


The day continued on and the group gathering at the Reflecting Pond grew, and surrounded by so much love the pond shimmered as if lit from within. Some newer Bridge Angels joined those already there, confused by so much, where were they, what was happening, where were their people? Solomon and Sparkie looked at the vast throng and worried their mommas would wonder where they were and fear they had gotten lost. Goldie walked up with Fluffy and Muffin, looking like he had twin golden cats walking with him, ever the shepherd to those in need, he gathered the newer angels and the trio tried to help them all understand where they were and show them they could still see and watch over those they love. Hope smiled, for she felt the healing that grew from all the love being sent to those left behind.


When he felt his two golden brothers had the new ones in hand he went to gather his small pride, the wee ones too frail to live in the wild, the twelve lost that horrible year, those who fell prey to the larger wild animals and the deadly black ribbon, and those who had grown old and simply woke at Rainbow Bridge one day. He found them under the watchful eye of a large red she dog, "I am still so sorry, I was only trying to please my mistress," she said. Goldie smiled sadly at her, "I know, and my momma knows," he said. "Come, we do not want to be late." He smiled as he saw Cinnamon and Blue trying to get their 15 pups to behave and stay together. "Come children, you do not want to be the only ones not at the pond!!"


As Hope reflected on those she had tried to touch, those she had given her seed to, her siblings joined her and a small gift box appeared beside the reflecting pond and began to glow with a warm quiet beauty. Soon all at Rainbow Bridge had gathered at the Reflecting Pond.


Tiny looked at the Silver One remembering the gift box sent a few weeks earlier, "What can we send this time?" Rainbow folded iridescent wings landing softly on the Silver One and looked at the box. "We send our love, Little One, and a bit of the truth to help them to learn, to see." The Silver One smiled at his feathered friend, "So many wishes of love? Do you think they will all fit? It seems a rather small box." Blue-eyed Shi Shi walked up just then and poked her big brother, he grimaced then grinned mischievously, "Most already know the love will all fit easily, and the rest will be told quickly, Little Sister." Shi Shi looked sternly at the Silver One, "Brother Mine, you know they hold to your every word. And some times are simply not for jest!" At her words The Silver One just grinned and she sighed softly, "And you know I cannot stay upset with you. Yes, everyone will share in the wonder of the gift box. Still, this is a special time, please; do try to remember this. . . . "


Shi Shi wandered over and lay beside Hope sending her love to her Momma and Dad. She looked over at Hope and sighed, "Sometimes I have to wonder; humans are so very smart in so many ways, why do they seem to cling to sorrow?" Hope looked at Shi Shi, her face kind and gentle, "That, Little One, is why you are sent to them. They know so much, yet, there are so many truly important lessons they need to learn."


Ivan, Repeat, Booger, Kaylarose, Milton, and Olivia looked at Hope confused. "We sent love just 12 days ago . . . . can we send the same gift again?" Hope smiled at them - her very being giving them reassurance, "You can always send love, there is no gift more precious." Pokey, Fuzz and Sammy looked to Peaches and Noah, eager for their confirmation and were given both the reassurance and nudge they needed.


A solemn group walked up almost as one - a group different because they were not restored to youth and full health, although they were not in pain any longer. They looked to Hope as if they feared her rejection, "What about us?" they asked in almost a whisper. "We never really knew a loving home, but we do love those who rescued us or watched over us, and they are hurting too, Can we please send them our love, for we do know they tried and they cared." Hope's eyes filled with tears, "Love is not bound by owning dear ones; of course you may send your love to them. They sometimes need that reassurance the most for they wanted to do so much more even though they did all they could."


As the day drew to a close each Rainbow Bridge Angel added their love to the box, and with each gift the box grew more beautiful. When it seemed nothing more could possibly be added to the box a host of radiant beings joined them, "It is time," one of them said. The sound was a soft whisper, yet everyone heard it, and it was so melodic and beautiful. The bridge angels watched the box holding their love and wishes for their loved ones. The ones who had been here before knowing there was one more gift, the newer ones sensing that something special was about to happen. All eyes watched the beings who had joined them with wonder. It was not just that they were different, for the bridge angels were in all manner of forms, feathered and scaled, cats, dogs, bunnies, mice and rats, horses, cows, and sheep, and every creature known to humans - they were in awe of their pure being - they seemed made of love itself rather than any physical substance.


Slowly, the radiant beings moved through the gathering making a path. A very small angel walked out of their number and approached Hope. As the bridge angels watched, the small angel bowed her head to Hope then knelt in front of the box and bowed her head. The box seemed to glow even more brightly and beautifully. Suddenly there was a very bright glow and the box closed. When the bridge angels looked again, the small angel was nowhere to be seen. Kimba looked at the radiant beings, "Where did she go? What just happened?" The radiant being closest to him smiled, "She is Peace - she will travel with your gifts of love. She follows her sister Hope's path and is our gift for the day of the wise men."


(c) Candace
December 2009








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Light a candle in memory of all those who are hurt or lost, for a sick, abused, or special needs furbaby, or perhaps just someone who needs a prayer and a candle lit.

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